Biology Practical Based Questions & Answers
Price: FREE
Science Practicals – Biology, Chemistry & Physics
Interactive, automatically marked objective questions based on introductory experiments in Biology, Chemistry & Physics. Photographs, and where appropriate diagrams, of these practicals provide the stimulus material for the questions. The illustrations and questions also carry much information. The photographs are particularly useful for students who may not have seen the actual experiments.
Specification aims of Knowledge & Understanding, Application, and Investigative Skills are addressed.
While the methods used in the production of this material followed safety guidelines, no specific safety issues are dealt with.
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Interactive automatically marked objective questions on introductory practical based topics in Science of the Multiple-Choice style, where the phrase “Which ONE of the following …” is implied but is not always stated.
So that students are reminded of the type of question that requires short written answers, which unfortunately cannot be automatically marked, each topic has at least one short passage with missing words, which must be identified in their correct sequence.
Photographs, and where appropriate diagrams, of these practicals provide the stimulus material for the questions. The illustrations and questions also carry much information. The photographs are particularly useful for students who may not have seen the actual experiments.
Specification aims of Knowledge & Understanding, Application, and Investigative Skills have been addressed.
The questions in each subject have been sub-divided into three sections to give working blocks of about 30 minutes each. All questions are automatically marked, totalled and the total presented as a percentage for each subject sub-section.
The questions are presented for use in three different ways.
The Learning Version in which the questions are instantaneously visibly marked, with end of subject sub-section totals percentaged. Some questions are more difficult than others, and some of the more difficult questions have drop-down Help Boxes which can be used to reveal background information when the cursor is passed over the question mark logo. Correct answers can be accessed if required. When printed out only the questions show so that this can be used as a paper version if required.
The Practice Test Version in which only the total score and percentage are shown on the screen after a subject sub-section has been completed. The marking of individual answers is only shown on a print-out, along with the totals. The correct answers are not provided and can only be identified through an understanding of the subject.
The Test Version where NO marking or results are shown on screen, but only on the print-out. The answer sequence of this version is unique. The correct answers are not available to the student and can only be identified through an understanding of the subject.
While the methods used in the production of this material followed safety guidelines, no specific safety issues are dealt with.